Teaches at the Post-Graduation Program in Sociology from Universidade Federal do Ceará, and coordinates the Laboratory of Youthes (Laboratório das Juventudes – LAJUS). She founded an coordinated “Projeto Enxame – fazendo arte com gangues e galeras" and was a Visiting Researcher at Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa). Her research, acting and interest fields are: youth cultures, city, body, art and cyberspace. She published several books, namely “Cartografias da Cultura e da Violência - gangues, galeras e o movimento hip hop” [“Cartographies of culture and violence – gangs, groups and the hip hop movement”] and “Itinerários de Corpos Juvenis” [“Itineraries of Young Bodies”] (Annablume). Recently has researched about "Graffiti e Arte Urbana: dobras entre a cidade e o ciberespaço" [“Graffiti and Urban Art: between the city and cyberspace”].
Glória Diógenes
Email: gloriadiogenes@gmail.com