Organization of training actions for non-academic publics
13 - 17 July 2015 | A. Raimundo and V. S. Ferreira, Training action for secondary school students «Tornar os sonhos realidade: novas profissões nos horizontes juvenis» [«Making dreams come true: new professions on youth horizons»], Ciência Viva no Laboratório [Science at the Lab], organized by Ciência Viva and Observatório Permanente da Juventude, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.
3 July 2015 | A. Raimundo and V. S. Ferreira, Training action for secondary school students «Novas “profissões de sonho” dos jovens através do olhar da Sociologia» [«New ‘dream jobs’ for youth from sociology’s point of view»], integrated on the summer activities program Verão na ULisboa [Summer at ULisbon], organized by Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa and the Observatório Permanente da Juventude, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.
Event organization for non-academic publics
V. S. Ferreira and A. Raimundo (org.), Debate Cycle Jovens, Novas Escolhas e Expetativas Profissionais [Professional New Choices and Expectations among Young People], based on the projection of the documentary «Beyond fame: backstage of new ‘dream jobs’», directed by Paula Vanina Cencig and Vitor Sérgio Ferreira.
29 January 2016 | Basic School Sophia de Mello Breyner, Carnaxide, debate with students, teachers from vocational training courses of Hospitality and Restaurant area, and vocational guidance coaches.
28 January 2016 | Secondary School D. Manuel Martins, Setúbal, debate with secondary level students, teachers from vocational training courses of Hospitality and Restaurant area, and vocational guidance coaches.
26 November 2015 | Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, debate with secondary and basic school students, teachers and vocational guidance coaches from Agrupamentos de Escolas de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, integrated at the activity Week of Science and Technology 2015, promoted by Ciência Viva – National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture.
18 November 2015 | Association IAC, Bairro 6 de Maio, Amadora, debate integrated in the initiative Conversas de Bairro, with young people, community facilitators and youth workers related to Projeto Escolhas São João de Deus.
5 November 2015 | Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies (ESHTE), debate with higher education students and teachers mainly related to the degree in Food Production in Restaurants.
23 October 2015 | Youth Foundation, Oporto, debate with young people, community facilitators, youth workers and policy makers related to social intervention projects supported by Programa Escolhas, North and Center area.
22 October 2015 | Secondary School Professor José Augusto Lucas, Linda-a-Velha, debate with secondary level students, teachers from scientific-humanistic courses and vocational training courses, and vocational guidance coaches.
16 October 2015 | Centro Nacional de Apoio ao Imigrante, Lisboa, debate with young people, community facilitators, youth workers and policy makers related to social intervention projects supported by Programa Escolhas, Lisbon area.
14 October 2015 | Secondary School José Saramago, Mafra, debate with secondary level students, teachers from scientific-humanistic courses and professional courses, and vocational guidance coaches.
6 October 2015 | Secondary School Camilo Castelo Branco, Carnaxide, debate with secondary level students, teachers from professional courses and vocational guidance coaches.
30 September 2015 | Association of Professional Cooks in Portugal (ACPP), Lisbon, debate with students and teachers from the Cooking and Pastry course (a course of Training with Social Responsibility, with equivalence to secondary school).
14 Julho 2015 | Association Unida e Cultural of Quinta do Mocho, debate with young people, community facilitators and youth workers integrated in the projects Hope and RadioActive101, supported by Programa Escolhas (“RadioActive Europe: promoting engagement, informal learning and employability of at risk and excluded people across Europe through internet radio and social media”).
Participation at events for non-academic publics
19 July 2014 | V. S. Ferreira, «Job Dream Vs. Dream Jobs – a empregabilidade em tempos de crise» [«Job Dream Vs. Dream Jobs – employability in times of crisis»], tertulia at the event Escolhas de Portas Abertas [Open Doors Choices], invitation by Programa Escolhas, Lisbon.
14 March 2014 | V. S. Ferreira, «Novas profissões de sonho» [«New dream jobs»], at the event Semana das Profissões. Histórias de Vida ou Vidas com História [Professions Week. Life Stories or Lifes with History], organized by students from the Camonian Movement, with the suport of both the school Board and the school Psychology and Vocational Guidance Service (SPO), Lisbon: Liceu Camões.
22 November 2012 | V. S. Ferreira, «O que são “profissões de sonho”?» [«What is ‘dream jobs’?»], at the event A ciência (social) tal qual se faz [(Social) science just like it is done], organized by Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon and Ciência Viva, integrated in the Week of Science and Technology 2012, Lisbon.