Paula Vanina Cencig
She is a Social Scientist, Videomaker and Graphic Designer. She holds a bachelor degree in Social Sciences by Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1993), Masters in Education by Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (2008), she is a Specialist in Art-Education by Teatro Escola Brincante (2002) and holds another bachelor degree in Graphic Design by Universidade Pontiguar (2012). She also has training as actress/clown. Afterwards she studied Audiovisual Post-production and Motion Graphics, and also Visual Effects, at Restart – Instituto de Criatividade, Artes e Novas Tecnologias, in Lisbon. Presently she is dedicated to the Audiovisual area and is an Art Director in several Performative Arts. She produced the documentary “Beyond fame: the backstage of new ‘dream jobs’”.
Email: paulaplinia@gmail.com