Transições para novos mundos profissionais atrativos aos jovens
Ahmed, A., S. Benford and A. Crabtree. 2012. “Digging in the crates: an ethnographic study of DJs’ work”. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1805–1814.
Araildi, Juciane. 2004. “Formação e Prática Musical de DJs: um estudo multicaso em Porto Alegre”. Masters dissertation, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.
Assef, C. 2010. Todo DJ Já Sambou. A história do disc-jóquei no Brasil. São Paulo: Editora Conrad.
Attias, B. A., A. Gavanas, and H. C. Rietveld, eds. 2013. DJ culture in the mix: power, technology and social change in electronic dance music. New York: Bloomsbury.
Bacal, T. 2012. Música, máquinas e humanos: os DJs no cenário da música electrônica. Rio de Janeiro: Apicuri.
Bakker, J. I. and T. R. A. Bakker. 2006. “The club DJ: a semiotic and interactionist analysis”. Symbolic Interaction, 29(1):71–82.
Bell, Paul. 2009. “Interrogating the live: a DJ perspective”. PhD dissertation, Newcastle University.
Brewster, B. and F. Broughton. 2006. Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: the history of the Disc Jockey. London: Headline.
Brewster, B. and F. Broughton. 2012. The record players: the story of dance music told by history's greatest DJs. (S. l.): Virgin Books.
Campos, L. M. 2007. “Modos de relação com a música”. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (53): 91–115.
Elafros, A. 2013. “Locating the DJ: black popular music, location and fields of cultural production”. Cultural Sociology. 7(4): 463-478.
Farrugia, R. 2013. Beyond the dance floor: female DJs, technology and electronic dance music culture. Bristol and Wilmington: Intellect.
Fontanari, I. 2008. “Os DJ’s da Perifa: música eletrônica, mediação, globalização e performance entre grupos populares em São Paulo”. PhD dissertation, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Porto Alegre.
Hitzler, R. and M. Pfadenhauer. n.d. “The lord of the loops. Observations at the DJ-desk”. Retrivied January, 2013 (http://www.univ-paris1.fr/fileadmin/laboratoire_georges_friedmann/Pfadenhauer.pdf)
Katz, M. 2012. Groove music: the art and culture of the hip-hop DJ. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lopes, J. T., ed. 2010. Género e música de dança. Experiências, percursos e “retratos” de mulheres clubbers. Lisboa: Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género.
Malbon, B. 1999. Clubbing: dancing, ecstasy and vitality. Londres e Nova Iorque: Routledge.
Montano, E. 2006. “DJ’s, Clubs and Vinyl: the cultural commodification and operational logics of contemporary commercial dance music in Sydney”. PhD dissertation, Department of Contemporary Music Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney.
Montano, E. 2010. “‘How Do You know He’s Not Playing Pac-man While He’s Supposed to be DJing?’: technology, formats and the digital future of DJ culture”. Popular Music. (29): 397-416.
Montano, E. 2013. “Response to Alinka E. Greasley & Helen M. Prior: Mixtapes and turntablism: DJs’ perspectives on musical shape”. Empirical Musicology Review. 8 (1): 48-52.
Olszanowski, M. 2012. “What to ask women composers: feminist fieldwork in electronic dance music”. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture. 4(2): 3–26.
Pfadenhauer, M. 2009. “The lord of the loops. Observations at the club culture DJ-desk.” Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 10(3): 1–12.
Philips, D. 2009. Superstar DJs here we go: the rise and fall of the superstar DJ. Croydon: Ebury Press.
Racine, É. 2002. Le Phénomène Techno. Clubs, Raves, Free-Parties. Paris: Imago.
Redhead, S. ed. 1993. Rave OFF: politics and deviance in contemporary youth culture. Aldershot: Avebury.
Redhead, S. 1997. Subculture to Clubcultures. Oxford: Balckwell.
Reynolds, S. 1998. Energy Flash: a journey through rave music and dance culture. Londres: Picador.
Thornton, S. 1995. Club Cultures: music, media and subcultural capital. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Bibliografia - DJ's